Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC)
Minimal essential coverage is any insurance plan that meets the Affordable Care Act requirement for having health coverage. To avoid the penalty for not having insurance you must be enrolled in a plan that qualifies as minimum essential coverage (sometimes called “qualifying health coverage”). Examples of plans that qualify include: Marketplace plans; job-based plans; Medicare; and Medicaid & CHIP.
MEC Plans:
Minimum Essential Coverage – Preventive Only (MEC) plans allow employers to offer qualifying coverage to their employees on a self-funded basis, which satisfies the individual mandate.
If you are a business entity that is looking for an affordable way to cover some of your employees healthcare coverage, then MEC plans are a great thing to consider. MEC plans are considered qualifying coverage, and employers will meet the requirement of offering “qualifying” coverage at a more affordable price. There are some pros and cons to consider with MEC plans and these are all based on different products to consider. We have access to quote numerous MEC plan carriers and products. We can help tailor a product that will work for your business and your employees. All at a cost that will work for everyone.
Give us a ring if you would like to look at our MEC plan offerings. We can show you the differences in prices and coverages between MEC plans as well as all Group plan prices.